Sleeping bags are wonderful gears for sleepovers,outdoor camping and more. It makes you sleep well and keep you warm at night. But you must learn these informations about it,then you can choose a right sleeping bag.
- Basically, a sleeping bag contains three parts: outer shell, lining and filling. Outer shell are made from taffeta,nylon,canvas etc. Lining are made from taffeta,T/C,flannel etc. Filling are poly fibre, spray-bonded fibre,silk-like fibre,micro fibre and goose/duck down.
- From the sleeping bag shape,it divide into Mummy sleeping bag,Rectangle sleeping bag and Human shape sleeping bag. Part of rectangle sleeping bags have head hood.
- Outer shell usually be made with waterproof PU coating, CPAI 84 Fire resistant coating,it can reject the raining when camping in the wild. Also Ripstop is used to increse the strength of the shell fabric.But for the lining,it must be soft and healty,so cotton cloth is common used. For the filling,it depend on user’s request: keep body warm or just used as a blanket?
- Zipper is very important in a sleeping bag,for some mid-end to high end sleeping bags,we used SBS or YKK zippers,they are stronger than common ones.
- There are two different carry bags for sleeping bags: normal ones and compressed ones. Compressed carry bag can save the volume of the whole sleeping bag.
Hope they are helpful for you,of course,any questions about sleeping bag,please feel free to contact us.