Tents are used for camping,hiking other outdoor recreation activities even promotions.
Our tents for outdoor and camping including varies of different styles,based on shapes,sizes,features,applications etc. They are: camping tent,dome tent,family tent,inflatable tent,pop up tent,beach tent,work tent and so on. Usually for a tent,it has outer flysheet,inner tent,mesh,pole,floor,zipper and peg,guyline,carry bag.
- Tent shape: we have dome shape,tunnel shape,squre shape etc. Normally,a tent must has a good shape to protect from big rainnings,winds,sun shinings.
- Tent Size: based on people numbers who use the tent: 1 person,2 person,3 person,4-5 person,6 person,10-12 person even more.
- Tent feature: some are waterproofed,some are water resistant,some are fire resistant,some are UV resistant,some are seam taped.
- Tent application: most of tents are used for outdoor camping,but part of them are used for outdoor work,ice fishing.
When you are ready to place an order of tents,you’d better know more about tent materials which are very important.we will show you some difference on description of materials of tent,hope that is helpful for you.
- Tent fabric:we have 170T Taffeta,190T Taffeta,210T Taffeta,210D Oxford…they can be made with custom printing,pattarns based on customer’s requests. For the coating of the fabric:
- waterproof ability:PU coating(Polyurethane) has a very good waterproof capacity,much better exterior and touch feeling than PA coating(Polyacrylate).PA coating is a simple water resistant artwork and good for promotional gift because of it’s cheaper cost. Also we taped the fabric seams to get a perfect waterproof effect.
- SPF ability: As you know,too heavy UV(Ultravioletray) is harmful for skins.Right now,people ask for a healthy product especially on beach. SPF coating is necessary for outdoors to escape from UV.
- fire resistant ability: It brings people safty when doing cooking or smoking during camping. It has different stantards,mainly CPAI84 standard for US market,BS and EN standard for European market.
- Tent pole: Fibreglass poles are widely used in big part of tents,it has different diameters:5.0mm,6.9mm,7.9mm,8.5mm,9.5mm,11.5mm accroding to the tent size. But for some pop up tents,steel wires are used too. Meanwhile,people ask for a light weight of the tent when they are hiking,so aluminum poles are much better.It has better strength,lighter weight and of course a higher price.
- Tent floor: PE(Polyethylene) floor can keep people dry when it is rainning and ground is wet. Oxford fabric with PU coating has a similar even better waterproof effect when used as a base floor.
You can get a general understanding about a tent when you order the tent. At the same time,we are looking forward to get your inquires about any tents.